
How to get there

Easily accessible from all over Switzerland

Brugnasco is located in Ticino above Airolo, which is easily accessible from all over Switzerland both by train and by car.

Where we are

Travelling by public transport

The nearest railway station is Airolo. There are at least hourly train connections to Airolo from both the north and the south.

The journey from Airolo to Brugnasco takes about an hour on foot.
 A taxi service can be organised in advance for transport and/or luggage transfer.

If you are staying without a car, you can do your shopping via “Coop at home”.

Travelling by car

Airolo is located directly on the A2 motorway. Coming from the north or the south, take the Airolo exit. Follow the cantonal road southwards (direction Piotta). Immediately after the first tunnel (approx. 1km after Airolo) there is a turn-off to the left via Madrano to Brugnasco. Motor vehicles up to a maximum length of 10 metres are permitted on the road to Madrano/Brugnasco. There are several car parks below the sports ground.